Phil Spencer thanks the PC community for supporting Xbox games

#Games | Both for success on Steam and within the PC Game Pass
Billy Butcherem

After joking about Halo Infinite memes in Craig, Phil Spencer wanted to thank PC Gaming fans who are contributing to the success on Steam and Game Pass for PC of titles like Sea of ​​Thieves, Grounded and Halo: The Master Chief Collection.

Referring to a mid-2019 tweet from a VentureBeat special about Microsoft's poor commitment to the PC environment, the well-known Vice President of the Redmond home posted a message on his social profiles, in which he explains that:

"I want to thank the community" for the support you are giving us on the PC."

"Over the years, we have often made similar statements (referring, in fact, to the phrases taken from the VentureBeat article) and so we got all these skeptical responses," says Phil Spencer.

At the end of the speech, Spencer emphasizes that:

" There's a lot more work to be done, but the support that our team is now getting through Game Pass on PC and Steam is really fantastic, Thanks! ", ends Phil.

The path taken by Microsoft on the PC, therefore, seems to be the correct one, judging also by the excellent feedback obtained recently with successful titles such as Grounded, and not to mention the Microsoft Flight Simulator being in 1st place of the best sellers on Steam after the opening of Pre-Orders.

Fonte: Every Eye
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