Microsoft Flight Simulator | A wonderful world

#Relaxation | Simulator surprises the team that made it, Incredible.

A Youtube user with nick Yiyan Wang, decided to create a short film with the music of singer Louis Daniel Armstrong - What a Wonderful World.

The beautiful landscapes of the simulator are stunning and the music in the background makes us travel. At a time when many are confined to their homes, Microsoft Flight Simulator has arrived to relieve us of this terrible moment.

In the video, the Simulator's official team praised the user, leaving a comment on his video: - Incredible!

You can check out the beautiful video below:

Microsoft Flight Simulator is a franchise of virtual flight simulators for computer and console. Created by Microsoft for home use, the series has 13 titles available and the recently launched Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is now available on Windows 10. It will arrive in late 2020 for Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

Fonte: Youtu
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