MC Carol will be in the Brazilian game '' RIO - Raised in Oblivion ''

#Games | Another funkeiro present in the game is MC Lan

This Thursday (20), the Brazilian developer First Phoenix Studio announced another novelty for its game, already in pre-sale, RIO - Rised in Oblivion. According to the developer, the funkeira MC Carol from Niterói will be inside the game as a playable character.

"Confirming one of the last artists we will represent within the game as a character, at your request we will be working with MC Carol De Niterói!", Announced the studio on its official page.

In addition to MC Carol, another artist promised and well requested by the public is the already announced MC Lan. Through a comment, the developer showed part of the character creation process. Check out the image:

The game RIO - Rised in Oblivion is already in pre-order, in three different editions, each with its benefits. To check the information about each edition, click here. And if, strangely enough, you still don't know MC Carol, we've separated some popular songs from the artist for you:

Fonte: Etlandiatv
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