Marvel Realm of Champions gets trailer with gameplay

#Games | Pre-registration on Android and iOS is released
Júnior Dinizem

Marvel Realm of Champions was finally presented in a trailer with gameplay. The game that came to be rated only as a "real-time RPG" turned out to be a multiplayer game with elements of MOBA and Brawler. With beautiful graphics and a focus on customizations, the game for Android and iOS is being developed by Kabam and will soon be available on mobile phones.

The game will feature classic Marvel characters and alternate versions in 3v3 combat.

Watch the trailer:

From the trailer, he realizes that Realm of Champions will have a heavy focus on customizations. Will the game bring a competitive scenario not based on "pay to win"?

The hotsite for pre-registration of the game was also launched. Players can sign up and take advantage when the game is released. The Hotsite also has links to the official Marvel Realm of Champions social networks to keep up with all the news.

The partnership between Marvel and Kabam is not new. The pop entertainment giant and game producer launched in 2014, Marvel Contest of Champions. The fighting game was very successful and remains active today. For the similarity of names, we can consider Realm of Champions a “pseudo-sequence”.

Marvel Realm of Champions will be released by the end of 2020 and will be free for Android and iOS.

In addition to the Realm of Champions, Marvel plans to launch another 3 mobile games between 2020 and 2021. They are: Marvel Duel, Marvel Super War and Marvel Future Revolution. There are avengers to handle so many games.

Fonte: Mobilegamer
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