Forza Horizon 3 says goodbye to Digital Stores on September 27

#Games | You have a big discount on the game, and on your DLC's
Billy Butcherem

Due to the expiration of car and music licenses, something that everyone already knew was that in 2020, the great paradise of Austrian racing, Forza Horizon 3, would bid farewell to the Xbox Store.

Just as Forza Motorsport 6 said goodbye last year (and in 2021 it will be Forza Motorsport 7's turn), this year, the Playground Games game will say goodbye to its audience on its 4th birthday, on September 27th.

To take advantage of this period, Microsoft placed both the base game in its 3 versions with promotion, in addition to all DLC's also being discounted, as you can see below, or by entering the official website of Xbox Store by clicking here .

Remembering that the promotion lasts 47 days, which is the deadline for the departure of Forza Horizon 3 and its Expansions from its Xbox Store digital stores. After the date, it will only be possible to purchase the game through Physical Media.

Forza Horizon 3 was released between Gears of War 4 and ReCore, both titles of 2016, from Microsoft, and was highlighted in the year for being the first Playground Games game to reach a MetaScore of 91+, something that surpassed in Forza Horizon 4 , which reached 92+.

Forza Horizon 3 is now available, exclusively on Xbox One and Windows 10.

Fonte 1: Every Eye
Fonte 2: Microsoft
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