Elden Ring | We shouldn't have any new game information until the end of 2020

#Games | Troubled development remains at FromSoftware
Billy Butcherem

A delicate case that FromSoftware is going through at the moment is with its long awaited game Elden Ring.

Since its announcement, several reports and news from major media such as Eurogamer, Kotaku, and journalists such as Jason Schreier and Jeff Grubb (Bloomberg and VentureBeast) report that its development is in delicate stages, and that it can suffer from a Complete Reboot .

Now, Jeff Grubb, who previously reported on some details and problems that George R.R.Martin has been having with the Japanese softhouse, tells us not to expect to see anything of this game until at least, at the end of 2020.

Many fans were asking him about whether we could see the game during the next Xbox event or during Gamescom 2020 in the coming weeks.

According to Grubb, in the important video game event that will take place from August 27 to 30, which is Gamescom, it will be very difficult to receive updates about the Elden Ring.

In recent weeks, Game Informer journalist Imran Khan has also expressed all his skepticism when considering 2020 as a year where we should see Elden Ring or let alone launch it, suggesting to all fans to wait a long time before receiving more news this game.

Recently, it was reported that Bandai Namco has been experiencing problems registering the IP Elden Ring due to its nomenclature being very similar to those of 'The Elder Scrolls' and 'Lord of the Rings', almost like a merger of both names.

In addition, it was also informed that the excess of projects that FromSoftware has been working on at the moment made Elden Ring a second level game, where they are now focused on something else, leading many to believe that the game will undergo a Reboot , where it ends up changing everything we saw of it at E3 2019.

Elden Ring is currently in development for the Xbox One, PC and PS4.

Fonte: Every Eye
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