EA shareholders refuse compensation plan to the company's CEO

#Games | If the plan continues, CEO Andrew Wilson’s salary would go to $ 21.4 million
Billy Butcherem

EA's executive compensation plan was rejected during the company's annual shareholders' meeting.

The 'tell about payment' vote, which shows shareholders expressing their views on executive compensation, took place last week and saw 170.89 million votes against EA's plan, against 59.6 million in favor.

While voting is only advisory, it is very rare to see executive compensation plans being rejected, noted Searching Alpha Holdings.

If the compensation plan went ahead, EA CEO Andrew Wilson would receive $ 21.4 million in compensation for fiscal 2020, compared to $ 18.3 million in 2019.

The company's chief operating and financial officer, Blake Jorgensen, could receive $ 19.5 million, against $ 9.41 million in 2019, and EA's studio director Laura Miele could receive $ 16.1 million , above $ 6.95 Million in 2019.

The annual meeting also voted in favor of allowing shareholders to "act by written consent", by a small margin of just 13 million votes, and elected candidates for the board.

EA published its first quarter results in late July, noting a 21% increase in net revenue year over year.

In a follow-up call, Wilson and Jorgensen provided more details on the publisher's performance during the COVID-19 crisis, with records at their various franchises.

For example, FIFA won seven million players during the first quarter of 2020.

Fonte: Games Industry.biz
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