Carrefour puts price on PS5 and Xbox Series X

#Games | Sony's console will be the most expensive.

We already know practically everything about new generation consoles, but there is still a very important question that can lead consumers to choose over and over again: the price, of course!

Neither Sony nor Microsoft disregarded this information, but French hypermarket Carrefour may have spoiled the surprise. The online store has priced on both the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X.

The information was available temporarily, enough for someone to take screenshots (thanks PhoneAndroid). According to the published information, PlayStation 5 will cost 499 euros in the Standard edition (with disc player). The PlayStation 5 edition without a disc player will cost 399 euros.

The Xbox Series X - the equivalent of the standard edition of PlayStation 5 - will cost 399 euros. This means that if the consumer wants to choose a console with a disc player, the Xbox Series X is the cheapest option.

The Carrefour website has also priced several PS5 accessories. All the accessories listed - from the Dualsense remote to the Pulse 3D headphones - have the same price: 49.99 euros. It is likely that this information is not correct as the official PS4 headet - the Wireless Gold - costs 89.99 euros.

Fonte: Eurogamer
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