Call of Duty 2020 | Mystery Box reveals date for the announcement of the new game

#Games | Welcome to the BLACK OPS.
Billy Butcherem

Something has finally changed in the last few hours and, after witnessing the opening of the mysterious boxes related to Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War, users have solved a series of puzzles until they reach a date on a kind of teaser site for the game.

By carefully analyzing the slides contained in the boxes sent to the various streamers and influencers, the fans managed to reach the mysterious website called pewntakespawn.

There is very little doubt that the site in question belongs to Activision, as there are references to the official site inside, and among the few information present we find a very specific date and time, Friday, August 14, 1:00 pm (No Brazil).

Many already claim that this will be the moment when the new Call of Duty will be announced to the public, perhaps through a major event at COD Warzone that will bring the entire community to Twitch or directly into the game.

Unfortunately not everyone has the same idea and among fans there are also those who believe that the date indicated does not point to anything other than the publication of a new series of teasers.

Regardless of what Activision has in mind, it now seems clear that the official revelation of the new FPS is not far off.

Call of Duty 2020 is in development for the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and PS4.

Fonte: Every Eye
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