Activision Blizzard shares and earnings have been increasing exponentially in recent months

#Games | American Multi-Billionaire is already the 2nd most profitable video game company
Billy Butcherem

While many companies haven't been doing well during the economic crisis brought on due to the COVID-19 pandemic, video games have been weathering the storm rather well.

One gaming company that has been doing particularly well on the stock market is Activision Blizzard.

With the coronavirus still raging across countries such as the US, a lot of companies have been hit hard, some having to close down completely or lay off employees in order to make ends meet.

Many corporations have their employees working from home to social distance and keep the virus from spreading, which may have something to do with the increase in stocks for video game companies such as Activision Blizzard.

According to recent reports from the stock market, Activision Blizzard's stock value has been steadily rising since April of this year.

With new updates to the popular series Call of Duty as the company introduced Season 4 to the game, the franchise seemed to get more players' attention.

Not only does Activision Blizzard have the Call of Duty franchise under its belt, but it also has the iconic World of Warcraft series and Hearthstone strategy game as well.

The company also caters to casual gamers with the mobile Candy Crush game.

The video game industry differs from other forms of entertainment, especially with the current health crisis. While most entertainment is centered around public gatherings like sport matches, concerts, or movie theaters, video gaming is done through a screen.

Though there are still meet ups and esports events that typically happened in person, moving them completely online doesn't take much effort or change the atmosphere in dramatic ways.

Due to the lack of sports until recently, esports tournaments such as League of Legends Championship Series made their way to mainstream TV channels like ESPN.

The coronavirus is impacting the world as people know it, but one thing that players can find solace in during these trying times are video games.

By delving into the fantasy worlds that games provide, players can take a break from the disappointing reality of 2020 by competing against other heros in Overwatch or connecting sweets in Candy Crush before coming back down to earth.

Fonte: Game Rant
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