Square Enix revela a lista de músicas de Final Fantasy 1 a 7 presentes em Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

#Notícia Publicado por inuyasha302, em .


Ainda falta mais de 1 mês para Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call ser lançado no Japão, mas a Square Enix não para de mostrar novidades do jogo a cada semana. Nesta nova edição da Famitsu, foram reveladas as músicas de Final Fantasy 1 a Final Final Fantasy 7 que estarão presentes no game (algumas vindas direto da versão iOS do primeiro game, e outras totalmente novas).

Confira a lista logo abaixo:

Final Fantasy 1

Battle Scene (BMS)

Mini-Boss Battle (BMS)

Last Battle (BMS)

Main Theme

Cornelia Castle

Opening Theme

Matoya's Cave

Gurgu Volcano


Ocean Floor Temple

Final Fantasy 2

Battle Scene 1 (BMS)

Rebel Army Theme (BMS)

Battle Scene 2 (BMS)

Main Theme



Magician's Tower


Final Fantasy 3

Battle 1 (BMS)

Battle 2 (BMS)

The Final Battle (BMS)

The Cave Where the Crystal Lies

Eternal Wind

The Boundless Ocean

The Maiden of Water Elia

Dorga and Unne's Mansion

Crystal Tower

Final Fantasy 4

Battle 1 (BMS)

Battle 2 (BMS)

Golbez, Clad in Darkness (BMS)

The Final Battle (BMS)

The Red Wings

Theme of Love

Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV

Troian Beauty

Tower of Zot


Within the Giant

Final Fantasy 5

Main Theme of Final Fantasy V (BMS)

Battle 1 (BMS)

Clash on the Big Bridge (BMS)

The Decisive Battle (BMS)

The Final Battle (BMS)

Four Hearts


Home Sweet Home

Mambo de Chocobo


A New World

In Search of Light

Final Fantasy 6

Battle (BMS)

The Decisive Battle (BMS)

Battle to the Death (BMS)

Dancing Mad (BMS)

Terra's Theme

Edgar and Sabin's Theme

Celes's Theme

The Airship Blackjack

Searching for Friends

Kefka's Tower

Final Fantasy 7

Let the Battles Begin (BMS)

Fight On! (BMS)


One Winged Angel (BMS)

Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII

Golden Saucer

Cosmo Canyon

The Highwind Takes to the Skies

Judgment Day

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call será lançado no Japão no dia 24 de abril. Até lá, novas músicas das demais versões de Final Fantasy deverão ser reveladas.

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